Saturday, August 6, 2011

Munakkai Iguru/ Drumstick Stew

1. Drumstick ( 4 , cut in to small pieces)
2. Onions ( 3 Chopped )
3. Mustard, urud dhall, jeera
4. Chilli powder-1 to 2 table spoon
5. Green Chillies - 2 , chopped
6. Milk - 3 cups

In a Wok, heat 4 tablespoons of oil and then add mustard , urud dhall , jeera , once they pop, add onions and fry util they become translucent, then add drumstick , turmeric powder and cook until, drumstick become soft, then add 3 cups of milk( boiled or fresh milk ) and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until it forms a thick gravy , then add chillipowder, salt to taste and serve with steamed rice.

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